Sister Monica ANYI, DHS, currently finds herself a long way from her home country of Nigeria. She is actually on a sabbatical leave after completing her mandate as Vice Provincial of Nigeria, and has chosen to spend part of that precious time in the Province of the USA.

Monica has been in the United States before as part of her official duties.  She claims she felt at home in the US the very first time she arrived here several years ago. Thus the decision to return was an easy one. She would spend time with “old” friends, meet new ones and get to learn a great deal more about our customs and traditions. Since she will be with us through early January, she will experience first-hand how we celebrate our holidays beginning with Thanksgiving and on through Christmas and New Year. She says she is thoroughly excited about that and looking forward to each and every moment.

The simple luncheon, featuring an Italian style meal, was attended by Sisters from local communities as well as lay staff members and was held in our Provincial Offices dining room. Good food, good friends, great conversation and loads of cheer made this time together super special. Monica concluded our festivities by sharing a few words of appreciation with all present and in expressing her joy at having this opportunity to get to know “her” Sisters better.

Sister who will be traveling around the Province and living in a variety of communities during her two month stay, was soon whisked away by the Sisters from the Moosup community where she will be spending the first full week of her visit.

Welcome, Monica. May your time in the USA be filled with much joy, love and holiday cheer and blessings. We are delighted you are with us.