Who are DHS Associates?

Associates are women and men – lay and 
clergy, married and single, of all 
denominations – who seek to live out their 
baptismal call to holiness, in the Spirit of 
Pentecost DHS Associates, with members 
in North and South America, Europe, 
Africa and Australia form an international 
body, linked to the Daughters of the Holy 

Associates are persons who “feel at home” 
with the spirituality of the Daughters of the 
Holy Spirit (DHS). Associates sense a call 
to live the Spirit’s mission of love and life, 
and to devote 1hemselves to the poor, the 
disadvantaged and the oppressed.

Associates are linked to the Daughters of 
the Holy Spirit through a mutual covenant 
expressed in a simple ceremony. They 
enter into a close spiritual relationship and 
a sharing of gifts with the OHS extended Consecrated Seculars and Associates.

What do Associates do?

Associates strive to cooperate with the 
action of the Spirit in leading faith-filled 
lives. They promote the cause of the 
poor, the young, and the disadvantaged. 
Thus, while the individual Associates 
develop and deepen their own spirituality 
they become a leaven and a witness to 
the Spirit wherever they are. Associates 
meet regularly to reflect together on 
practical ways of living the DHS Mission. 
Relationships among members of the 
DHS family are fostered through various 
local, regional, and province gatherings. 
Through their mutual covenants) both 
Associates and the Sisters are enriched, 
afflrmed and challenged on their own 
journeys in the Spirit’s Mission of, love in 
the world.


  • bond themselves to the Daughters of the Holy Spirit by a covenant
  • enter into a close relationship with the Daughters as they share their gifts
  • continue their own lifestyles as they strive to live in the Spirit of Pentecost
  • feel at home with the DHS spirituality
  • sense a call to be available in the Holy Spirit’s mission of life and love
  • live out their commitment in their families, workplaces, parishes with all those they encounter
  • keep in contact with a local DHS community
  • are invited to attend appropriate Province events
  • participate in associate regional meetings, assemblies and retreats
  • may share in various DHS committees
  • often participate in outreach ministries with the Sisters.

INITIAL FORMATION OF DHS ASSOCIATES occurs in small group settings involving an Associate and a Sister and includes the discussion and the study of these topics:

  • Call to holiness: fuller understanding of the candidates’ Baptismal commitment
  • DHS History/Charism: Historical development of the Congregation and its Gift to the Church
  • DHS Mission and the Mission of Jesus
  • DHS Spirituality: reflection on the Word of God, the Trinity, Pentecost and Mary
  • Discernment as a way of life
  • Becoming a part of the Associate Body – local, national, international
  • God’s Covenant with his people and the candidates’ covenant with the Congregation.


  • brochure coming soon
  • For an application form, click here.
  • For more information and/or to chat about how our DHS Associate program just might fit into your life at this time, our East and West Coast Teams will be happy to assist you. Why not call today?
East Coast: Diane Lavallee
Jean Ryan
diavallee59@gmail.com 860-465-6344
JMRyan@att.net 413-612-8358
West Coast: Patty Gianatasio
Dede Ingle  
plgianata@yahoo.com 916-371-4765
maxcat10@att.net 916-213-7044
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