The scene was set, guests had arrived, there was a clear buzzing of friendship in the air, flashes from cameras dazzled curious eyes and suddenly the chatter ceased as the cantors clearly intoned the opening lyrics of “The Summons”: ‘Will you come and follow me, if I but call your name?’

Thus began the initial commitment celebration of LORRAINE BROWN GALLUP as consecrated secular in the extended family of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit.

The main celebrant of the liturgy and homilist was Lorraine’s long-time friend Paul S. Loverde, Bishop Emeritus of Arlington, Virginia who was assisted by the Very Reverend Laurence LaPointe, Reverend Jonathan Ficarro and Reverend Juan Angel Aguirre Palacio.

Members of Lorraine’s family and her spiritual director honored her as lectors and bearers of offertory gifts.

Lorraine’s profession of vows followed the homily and was prefaced by a sung invocation to the Holy Spirit.  Bishop Loverde and Claire Héroux, Regional Moderator of the SBDHS received Lorraine’s vows. The official signing of the register witnessed by the Bishop and Sally Tolles, international moderator of the Branch, preceded the final blessing.

Gallup’s devotion to Our Lady was noted through the communion hymn “Hail Mary, Gentle Woman” and the depth of her commitment was underscored as all joined in the meditation prayer by singing “My Song will be for You Forever”.

The meaningful and joyful celebration drew to closure with a resounding rendition of “Companions on the Journey” reminding one and all of the Secular Branch’s commitment to “travel the path of life, loving and welcoming those whom God has placed in your path”.

A multitude of hugs, congratulations warm wishes and copious smiles and greetings followed as refreshments abounded and encouraged all present to more fully realize their own personal commitments to the ‘Summons’ of the Lord.


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