Almost as a perfect response to Mother Nature’s presentation of her spring blossoms, the Associate members of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit Family on the East Coast gathered at the DHS Administrative Center in Putnam on Sunday, April 16th to renew Covenants.
Circa 40 people representing the 3 branches of the DHS Family came together to celebrate liturgy with the Rev. Ed Dempsey and to witness the renewal of Associate Covenants, temporary and definitive.
The Mass readings focused on the Spirit, the Easter mysteries, the power of faith and the wonders of responding to God’s love and rejoicing in the wonders of God’s gifts.
After the communion meditation song Nancy Berube, Juliana Ekleson, Maria Langton, Diane Lavllee, Deborah Raymond, Jean Ryan and Peg Wilson (absent) were invited to renew their covenants to live the spirituality charism and mission of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit indefinitely while Diane Cooney, Paulette Wlaskiewicz and Sandra Mello (joined by phone) renewed their covenants for one year.
A hearty round of applause immediately followed the spoken commitments and the liturgy concluded with the enthusiastic singing of “They Will Know We Are Christians.”
Co-Director of the East Coast Associates Pat Krodel then invited one and all to view the gorgeous celebratory cake before she cut into it for everyone to enjoy. Hugs and loud congratulations were offered to those Associates who had just renewed their Covenants, cameras flashed and lively conversation filled the air as refreshments and friendships were shared in delight and joy.
The photos depict the theme, the assemby, the Covenant ceremony for both groups, the liturgy and the whole group of those making covenants today.
For more information about the DHS Associate Branch you may contact Pat Krodel at pepkrodel@yahoo.com or Muriel Bingham at mmbingham@aol.com.
Click on photos to enlarge.