The steadily falling rain was as if the gifts of the Spirit were inundating the space where 20+ members of the DHS Family, religious, secular branch and associates, gathered on May 20th to benefit from a day of retreat sponsored by the East Coast Associates.
The keynote presenter was KATHY IRR who invited the participants to stop and reflect on how God molds and forms us through our everyday activities. Kathy presented a variety of scenarios with which everyone could identify. She also invited each member to visualize Mary, our spiritual Mother and Model, joining the group and sharing how she managed to get through her daily challenges.
There were many opportunities for small group sharing and for larger group output and reactions.
A delicious luncheon allowed the retreatants to enjoy a few laughs and to freely share their emotions and observations about the retreat as well as about their personal lives and openness to the Spirit’s work in them.
The DHS Associates are women and men, lay and religious, single or married who choose to live the DHS charism of reaching out in love to others, especially anyone in need while trusting in the guidance of the Holy Spirit in their daily lives. While this can be a challenge in our modern world, it can also be most rewarding to the giver and the receiver. If you are interested in learning more about this group, please contact either Pat Krodel (860-917-1494) or Muriel Bingham (860-546-1129), co-directors East Coast. You may also check out our web site page and click on “Our Current Profile” drop down for more information.
Click on photos to enlarge.