Each year globally Christian churches celebrate The Season of Creation, September 1st to October 4th, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. This year the community of St. Joseph Living Center where 12 Daughters of the Holy Spirit are residents united with others throughout the world in celebrating the Season of Creation. On October 3rd a Creation activity was enjoyed by about 20 residents, several sisters and numerous other residents. After a brief explanation of this special season to raise our awareness of the threats of climate change, Sr. Gertrude said a brief prayer for the healing of our earth and in gratitude for the wonderful gift of creation. Poems were read to help us realize that we are one with all created beings and all of nature, if we but open our eyes and hearts to this reality. A time of listening to instrumental music by Tim Janis as we watched magnificent nature scenes on his DVD was enjoyed by all. In the calm of this time, one could hear comments like, “Aww…” “How beautiful!”.
Colored leaves were then distributed to the residents present and volunteers helped them to write what they love most in nature and their name on the leaf. These are now beautifying a bare tree on the wall of the activity room. It reminds all of us of the beauties of nature and of this special time we shared together. Of course, this creation activity, culminated with refreshments, delicious homemade leaf-shaped cookies and apple cider. Mmm good.
The next day, October 4th, they celebrated the Season of Creation at the morning liturgy. In front of the altar a beautiful arrangement of gifts of nature put us in the spirit. With the processional “For the Beauty of the Earth” we raised our voices in praise of creation. The readings were for the feast of St. Francis of Assisi and Father shared about St. Francis’s life and wove in the call to care for our Common Home. In the Prayers of the Faithful we prayed for the healing of our earth, for those who can help make this happen and for all of creation, especially all our brothers and sisters who are struggling for life and dignity. “Make me a Channel of your Peace” was the perfect end to this celebration of the Eucharist on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.
By Sr. Gertrude Lanouette