It has been a busy summer for the leadership of the US Province of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit.

The 4 members of the Province’s leadership team traveled to Brittany, France for meetings with leadership teams from other areas or units of the congregation.

Representatives from Europe, Africa and South America joined the US delegation on August 5-9 for conferences, small group gatherings and sharing on the government of the Congregation. Keynote presenters for this session were Sr. Estelle SOGBOU (Chemin Neuf) and Rev. François Xavier DUMORTIER SJ. Their input led to productive group discussions among the provinces, vice provinces  in the light of defining and clarifying roles as the congregation continues to enter the future.

August 10-14 found the gathering of a large group of representatives from the provinces, vice-provinces and delegations. This CC or Council of the Congregation meets annually to assess progress made during the year towards attaining the goals set forth at the General Chapter (every 6 years). It is an evaluation of sorts that generates much discussion, planning and sharing among all the units of the congregation.

Sisters Michèle, Bonnie, Yvette and Janet felt privileged to participate in meetings they described as prayerful and open to one another’s realities. They appreciated the opportunity to share with their sisters from other countries and continents as together they renewed and expressed their desire to move forward in the Spirit of new life, light and love.

The photos present the US Team and other participants at the international meetings.

Click on photos to expand.

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