These days we hear a lot about caring for nature and all living things. This week the Sisters in residence at St. Joseph Living Center in Windham had the opportunity to get up close and personal with a few of God’s non-human creatures.
The extraordinarily warm October weather provided a perfect ambiance for a visit from beautifully colored small birds, fluffy and cuddly rabbits and even a guinea pig on a leash. The Sisters gathered with several other residents in the lovely garden at the Center and all had the opportunity to touch and hold the little critters and to allow their avian friends to perch on shoulders and heads.
The small visitors came from the Blue Iris Farm in Lebanon, CT, and were no strangers to the facility since they had visited on various previous occasions. The smiles, the gentle voices, the marvel expressed in words and by facial expressions all clearly indicated the joy and glee these little ones brought to their hosts and proved once again that we all need to take care of one another as creatures of the same Creator God. Indeed, the world would be a much better place for all if more of us took time to enjoy, appreciate and understand how our lives are closely intertwined with the entire universe, that is our God’s gift to us.