Mother Nature was at her best on Sunday December 8th as Sisters, Consecrated Seculars and Associates gathered at the DHS Center in Putnam to commemorate the 1706 foundation of the Congregation and to honor Mary on the feast day of the Immaculate Conception.
Warm greetings and hugs were the perfect prelude to the celebration of Mass by Rev. Edward Dempsey, longtime friend of the Sisters. The liturgy was live streamed to allow members of the DHS Family to participate in the festivity from afar. Included as part of the liturgy was the renewal of vows and covenants by members of the three branches of the order.
A delightful and delicious dinner, catered by ‘Renée’s’ offered the opportunity to continue the lively conversations and warmth of laughter well into the afternoon when guests started to head home still humming the song used to honor Mary at the celebration:
God’s Spirit dawns upon you
Rejoice, O lovely One!
God’s life deep within you
Rejoice, O lovely One!
The photos depict the renewal of vows and covenants, our celebrant, Sr. Michèle welcoming the group and guests enjoying their meal and one another’s company.