Time and time again the Scriptures remind us that it is indeed right and just to give praise and thanks to our God who has and continues to do so much for us.
While it is a particularly difficult time for our nation and for the entire world community because of COVID and other dastardly forces that precipitate suffering at all levels, it is especially a time to focus on what we do have, on the good that we see around us daily, on the concrete acts of love and self-giving that reveal the loving and compassionate side of our God.
We ask our ever-loving Triune God to bless us all with the gifts of the Spirit of Life and Light that we may open our hearts and allow ourselves to be converted into doers of good and bearers of hope so that we may move forward together as members of our earthly family in honor of our Creator and in genuine love of one another beyond all human barriers.
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all for all things, great and small.
Blessed be God who loved us first
Blessed be all throughout the universe.
Alone we are weaker, together we are strong
The Spirit is our leader as we move along
Life’s highways and byways, crossroads and long
If we believe in each other; we will never go wrong
Together we will surmount all sufferings and trials
We will reach out to others as we walk many miles.
We pause…we stumble…we arise and we go on
Our eyes and our hearts wide open to all
The possibilities of growth and the realization
That our God is calling and we must surmise
That it is only together that we can say
Thank you, Abba, for life and love;
Thank you always for your light from above.