We are all invited to pause and spend a few moments reading, contemplating and praying that Christmas 2020 be super special to each of us, that we allow ourselves to enter into the true mystery of the Incarnation, that we find its personal meaning for each one of us and that we resolve to become Christmas people who celebrate the birth of our Saviour on a daily basis in our own lives as we do our utmost to bring the message of true Love, never ending Hope and profound Faith to all we meet. In that spirit we reflect and we pray this Christmas.
- Lord, God, help us to understand your greatest wish for us at this time
- Lord, God, help us to match your wish with our greatest wish
- Lord, God, help us to know clearly our deepest Hope for our world and for ourselves
- Lord, God, help us to share that hope with those who have none
- Lord, God, let us Be that hope for others
- Lord, God, inspire us to allow your Love to fill our hearts, homes and lives
- Lord, God, give us the strength to live Christ in all we do, say and become
- Lord, God, show us how to convert our trials into acts of kindness and joy
- Lord, God, help us to transition from seekers of peace into peacemakers
- Lord, God, help us to understand the meaning of justice for all
- Lord, God, help us to act in justice and equality towards everyone
- Lord, God, allow the light that is the Christ to permeate our lives that we be living images of Him in all ways, at all times
- Lord, God, may our hearts always sing your praise in love and gratitude for who You are and for what you constantly do for us your Christmas people.
Gloria in excelsis Deo!