The last Sunday of summer offered a perfect natural setting for the Daughters of the Holy Spirit of the US Province to honor the Sisters, Consecrated Seculars and Associates whose years of service to the Congregation and to the People of God exceed the thousand year mark. How impressive is that???
21 women were honored at a Mass of Jubilee at St. Joseph Church in Willimantic, CT as family and friends gathered to celebrate this outstanding occasion.
The liturgy was concelebrated by Rev. Marcel Rainville, SSE and brother of jubilarian Sr. Yvette Rainville, Rev. Laurence LaPointe, Edward Dempsey and Roland Cloutier. Music was provided by Tom Gouin who was assisted by cantor Patty Johnson.
The liturgical event included the renewal of vows by the apostolic religious and the members of the secular branch and the renewal of baptismal promises by the whole congregation. The offertory prayers and gifts represented people, events and intentions dear to the hearts of the celebrating community.
The mass was followed by a delightful gathering in the appropriately decorated church basement with conviviality and refreshments in abundance. Gratitude resonated from all corners of the room as pictures and videos immortalized the event for one and all.
There will be more jubilee photos in our winter edition of our REALITY newsletter. Be on the lookout in the mail and on our web site.
For more information about the jubilarians, you may contact Sr. Janet Lewis, Provincial Secretary at dhsprovsec@gmail.com

75 Years

70 Years

65 Years

60 Years

50 Years