Late December and early January found 3 members of the Secular Branch of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit renew their vows of poverty, celibacy and obedience as women who are “living in the Spirit at the heart of the world”.

The three women Lorraine Gallup from the state of Connecticut in the United States and Laura Lara and Laura Oyanadel from Chile, South Anerica, extended their vowed commitment to living the charism of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, a charism dedicated to loving and caring outreach to others, especially to those in need or marginalized by society. Each one lives her vows where she is at any moment in time. Lorraine is active in offering her time and service to a local parish while the two Laura’s share readily with their parishes and local groups and other members of the Secular Branch by visiting homes and animating parish and neighborhood activities in Chile.

Lorraine chose a simple prayer service in the presence of the regional and international moderators, Phyllis Viens and Sally Tolles, respectively, in addition to a longtime confidant, Michèle Bisaillon, DHS, as a venue for her renewal. The Chileans renewed their vows in the presence of Berta Pilar Hurtado, SB, delegated to accept her vows. They also chose to renew their vows in the context of the celebration of Mass. Several family members, friends and Sisters also participated in the ceremony. In both cases the ceremony was followed by a simple and festive reception for all involved.

Sincere congratulations and thanks to Lorraine and the two Laura’s for their generous response to the Lord’s call to live him and do his work in a daily attempt to make the world a better place for one and all through their simple yet ongoing daily efforts. May the Spirit of Love and of Wisdom be upon each one of you!

For more information about the Secular Branch please see our website’s current profile drop down or contact Regional Moderator (USA/South America) at