Françoise G. Gauthier, PhD
Françoise G. Gauthier, PhD Director of Development DHS USA

Director’s Circle
Winter 2025

Dear Friends,

We have passed the mid-point of winter and are anticipating the onset of springtime and the new life that represents for all of us.

I am trusting that by now you have had the time to read through our winter edition of “REALIITY” and enjoyed doing so. We are pleased to honor the Sisters who make up the St.  Joseph Community of the DHS at the Living Center in Windham. They are an important part of our Province and the stronghold of prayerful and moral support for all the branches of our DHS Family. We owe them so much for their many years of service, and we invite you to join us in recognizing their life long efforts to help and assist so many during their years of active ministry. Thank you and gratitude to each and every one!

Hopefully you also noted the variety of activities in which the Sisters, Secular Branch members and Associates have been involved. The group is indeed alive and well and always searching for new ways of sharing their lives with many different publics. We thank you for offering us so many possibilities and for helping us through your encouragement, your prayers and your generous donations. YOU make a huge difference in our lives, and we say thanks once again.

We love to hear from you and to know what is happening, where you are, what role the DHS have had in your life over the years and what expectations you may have of the Sisters into the future. Send us your thoughts, your questions, your concerns at for a prompt response. It would be a super way of connecting on a one to one basis without too much muss and fuss.

I also invite you to consider participating in our Mass Card program explained in our activities section. This is a super way of remembering folks you love and care for on a regular basis or for special occasions. Feel free to call me (860)928-0891 ext. 148 for details.

We invite you to drop in to visit our Offices in Putnam should you be in the area.  Our doors are open and we are always happy to welcome visitors. I personally look forward to meeting you up close and personally. In the mean-time we thank you again for taking the time to read and enjoy our newsletter and for your support in whatever way is comfortable for you. Blessings on you and those who are dear to you.

In the Spirit of all that is good,

Françoise G. Gauthier, PhD
Director Development