As members of the Spiritual Family of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit our mission, “to reverence in a special way the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in ourselves, in others and in all creation, to live in the spirit of Pentecost and to continue the work of the risen Christ through our simple presence, our humble gestures and our collaborative efforts because we believe we are sent in Gospel boldness to witness God’s tender love for all especially the least favored so that “all may have life and have it to the full”, binds us together and commits us to one another in prayer, in a genuine attitude of camaraderie and/or community.
We strive to live our mission through varied ministries in collaboration with Church and civic organizations whose purposes are essentially the same as ours. Members of our Spiritual Family may be found ministering in such areas as:
Education at all levels
Home Health Care and Nursing
Hospital Chaplaincies
Social Services
Parish Ministries and Evangelization
Our deep commitment to the Earth and to true peace and justice for all humans impels us from time to time to gather our forces to express and to participate in movements that intend to advance the well-being of Creation and of humankind. Thus, in a timely manner, we prepare public statements or corporate stances that encourage other caring groups or individuals to support public acts of virtue and to denounce similar acts of violence and injustice.
As we live out our mission through our ministries we constantly strive to see life through the eyes of others and dare to take small ingenious steps to stand with others to make a positive difference.
Our DHS/USA Province is part of an international congregation with insertions in Europe, Africa, the UK, and South America. For more information about DHS mission and ministries in these areas, click here to connect to our Congregation Web Site in three languages.