With the arrival of Ash Wednesday we embark upon our Lenten journey. Think back to automobile trips you may have taken in the past. This trip may have evoked certain feelings in you depending upon the circumstances such as destination, reason for the trip, fellow passengers…  The journey might have been enjoyable, a drag, sorrowful, or seem to last forever.

Now as we look to our spiritual journey what do we need as we embark on this 40 day Lenten road? What do we  need so this journey can be fruitful and our expression of thanks to God? First and foremost on this trip we need to make occasional stops for prayer – prayer to our suffering Savior. Jesus suffered and died for each of us. We need spiritual nourishment and reflection time to realize how we can give thanks for the ultimate gift of love? Do we give up something we like?  Do we do something special for another?  In our present world of turmoil, chaos, and violence, perhaps our Lenten journey could be one of being a peacemaker, of being a spreader of peace, of  being a living example of, and an instrument of God’s love, mercy, and healing.
“Live generously and graciously toward others,
the way God does toward you.”  (Matthew 5:46-48)

                                                               Marian St. Marie, DHS