A little while back we posted an article and a couple photos of some large “religious articles'” that we were able to send to new homes through some very kind folks in Pennsylvania.

As we continued to empty our Provincial House to prepare for the transition to a new location for our administrative offices in Putnam, we found more “old friends” who had been faithful companions on our life journey over the last 102 years and who needed new homes as well.

It was absolutely amazing to see how many memories were awakened as each statue or groups of statues and crosses were respectfully taken from their long time niches, gently carried or carted to the parking lot where their new owners and caretakers eagerly awaited the arrival of their newly adopted icons. Sisters and workers took time to reminisce and to share stories or simply to offer a goodbye touch or hug to their favorite piece. Change and transformation does tend to bring out hidden sentiments and past moments and experiences that up until now had been known only to the heart of individuals concerned. The procession or march of these companions evoked some most therapeutic moments as they offered us the opportunity to say thank you and au revoir all at the same time that they offered the sense of security that comes in knowing that new beginnings await for both entities.

Anyone familiar with the nooks and crannies of the Provincial House may remember seeing some of the statuary in the photos. We wish you a happy journey down memory lane as you contemplate the rich past contained  in these ‘old friends’ and allow yourself the time and gift of looking ahead to their new future as they, like us, find their new niche in God’s mysterious universe.