The Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit was officially founded on December 8th, 1706 and the celebration of that defining moment still takes place each year on what is now recognized in the Roman Catholic Church as the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.

Like thousands of other Daughters have done over these three hundred thirteen years, the Sisters of the USA Province gathered where their largest community is now located, St. Joseph Living Center in Windham, CT, to commemorate this historical event, to offer gratitude to their God, to renew their vowed commitments, to enjoy one another’s presence and to partake of a delightful meal.

The rainy and foggy day did not deter the numerous hardy souls from driving to Windham for an 11:00 a.m. Eucharistic celebration presided over by our faithful cleric and honorary DHS Father Larry La Pointe. His brief yet poignant homily was followed by the renewal of vows by all DHS present. The loud and enthusiastic traditional song, “O Jour le plus beau de ma vie” concluded the Mass and joyfully inspired one and all to proceed to the dining area.

A beautiful anniversary cake graced the center of the room while guests and sisters in residence quickly filled the spaces at table. The Center staff served beverages, meals and generous portions of the chocolate and white celebratory cake. In honor of Father Larry’s late November birthday a surprise cake was offered and the musical candle was extinguished in one puff  by the “always young at heart” birthday honoree.

Throughout the festive meal a stream of lively conversation, good laughs and many hugs and warm embraces particularly when 103 year old Sr. Marie Ruth Page visited each table, created an atmosphere of celebration, joy and onenesss that Marie Balavenne and Renée Burel would have been proud of.

“O quel précieux héritage

il n’en est point de si doux…”