The feast of Pentecost has always had special significance for the Daughters of the Holy Spirit. Not only is it the major Feast of the Congregation, but it also  celebrates the powerful gift the 3rd Person of the Trinity represents for believers. It is a reminder to all of us that our Creator God and Redeemer the Christ continue to give us the inner strength and qualities we need to fulfill our loving and faithful service to our God and others.

In this context we wish everyone a blessed season of celebration of the Holy Spirit and the fullness of gifts and fruits received through grace and cultivated to perfection by our life long efforts of collaboration in love for the greater glory of the Trinity and the well being of all humankind.

Happy and blessed Pentecost to one and all. May the following reflection inspire your response to the presence of the Spirit and the invitation to be as One in our Triune God.

When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together.
And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong wind,
and it filled the entire house in which they were…
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. 

God’s Breath
God’s Spirit breathing forth –
What is this breath?
A gentle breeze;  Perchance a stronger gust;
Or maybe, gale force winds.

A gentle breeze
which warms, uplifts, energizes.
The stronger gust
which swirls leaves about, and stings one’s face.
Or gale force winds
which topple and strip.

God’s Spirit breathing forth.
You have blown into my life;
Sometimes gentle breezes; sometimes strong gusts;
And yes, gale forces toppling me.

Spirit breathing;
Breathing into me –
Life, strength, inspiration;
Enticing me to explore, to soar,  to create,
To love;
To love You.

Marian St. Marie, dhs