On Sunday, July 23, the Daughters of the Holy Spirit celebrated the 20th anniversary of its founding of its Secular Branch.

Members of the Family gathered at the DHS Administrative Center in Putnam to remember the beginning of the Secular Branch in 2003.

The festively decorated hall warmly greeted guests who gathered from the northeast corner of the state to join other guests from Europe, Wales, South America and California via the marvel of ZOOM.

The celebration of an inspiring liturgy offered by the Rev. Laurence LaPointe was followed by a champagne toast presented by Regional Moderator Phyllis Viens in which  the past, the present and the unknown future were referenced with a resounding CIN CIN connecting each part of the toast.

An inside cookout was served, topped off with a delicious and beautifullSecular branch turns 20y decorated cake and bite size pieces of fresh fruit that encouraged ongoing laughter, congratulations and photo snapping as friends and family shared and rejoiced in a long-time dream come true and uttered wishes for a sparkling and bright future for the Branch as it continues to expand internationally as its members strive to live the DHS charism at the heart of the world.

For more information about the DHS Secular Branch please contact our US Regional Moderator: phyllisviens@yahoo.com  and you may also visit the Secular Branch (Consecrated Seculars) post on our DHS website.