After about 18 months of journeying with the West Sacramento area group and several more months of formation according to the Associate Guidelines, Anna Beall was ready to make her covenant with the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, on Saturday, March 23. What a happy day it was for all of us! Anna’s Covenant celebration was held at the former convent of the DHS in Our Lady of Grace Parish, West Sacramento.
Although the convent has long been used as school office space and parish meeting room, the lovely chapel is just as it was during the many years the sisters prayed there – the DHS spirit still very much alive. It was there that we gathered: sisters and associates from Merced, Patterson and West Sacramento area groups, along with members of Anna’s family. Music and readings, chosen by Anna, were prayed and sung by all. Anna stood at the altar to read her covenant, accepted on behalf of the Sisters by Sr. Michael Henry Moulin, Sister Advisor. As are all covenant ceremonies, it was deeply moving and special for all of us as we recalled our own covenant commitments.
Following the ceremony, we gathered in what was once the convent living room and dining area, decorated in blue, seasonal flowers on the table, and a very tasty taco salad bar- a very “California” repast. After lunch, Anna cut the first piece of a lovely cake and we continued to enjoy this special opportunity to be together.
Welcome Anna!

Text and photos by Maureen Girard, West Coast Associate